Friday, May 30, 2008

War IS a Crime

Dr Mahathir Mohamad: The Criminalisation of War

War, as we know, is devastating, horror, killed millions of humans and brought down many civilisations throughout history.

Dr Mahathir, our former number One, are making a call to us Malaysian to support the campaign against war and the criminalisation of war.

I would like to quote from his blog:
"I pointed out that it is ridiculous to regard murder as a crime punishable with the most extreme penalty yet the deliberate killings of thousands of people, mostly innocent men, women and children are regarded as proper and legal.".
For me, war crimes should be punished to whom that invading other territories and killing the innocents. War is a crime for Dr. Mahathir and I have a simple formula to conclude what Dr. Mahathir wants us to agree and struggle to achieve it:

Crime / Criminal = Subjected to trial and execution in law.
War = Crime / Criminal
War =
Subjected to trial and execution in law.

Lets support "War is a Crime".


mohad said...

saya kurang setuju war adalah crime..

Mohd Aizal said...

Mungkin anda melihat peperangan dari perspektif yang berbeza. Atau mungkin saya kurang memberi penjelasan mengapa "war = crime" di dalam entri saya?
Boleh ijad jelaskan mengapa kurang setuju agar kita sama2 boleh mengembangkan lagi skop pemikiran kita. Terima kasih.

emellia shariff said...

well, i seriously agree that war is definitely crime.
simply because in a war, innocent people are killed.children, women and unarmed men are killed.this is unjust.
why do we punish murderes in all country nationwide with capital punishment?because the murderer killed people.and its a crime.
war is the same thing as, people are killed. and thats why it is a crime.and country who start this war should be punished.